Thursday, September 25, 2003

earthquake watch...

Japan had a couple of huge quakes today...

An 8.0!!! and if that wasn't enough, another 7.0 followed!!!

then Taiwan had a 4.9 just moments later...

I've actually been tracking the pattern of earthquakes between Japan and California for a number of years (nerdy fascination), and they seem to ping pong back and forth across the pacific, especially with the big ones. (duh, it's the same plate!)

so the west coast could get one in the next 2-3 days.

so cal has had a lot of 2-3 point quakes lately, there was a strange series of 3.9s around Valencia for a few days back in august.

and the hayward fault just shifted, which is NEVER supposed to happen (or so we prayed while living at I-House).

let's hope there's been enough activity lately that there are no major stress points when the shockwave hits.

UPDATE: There was a 3.5 in Hollister at 7:35am this morning (the japan quake hit at 12:50pm PST).

If you live in the bay area, I would suggest checking your earthquake kit, just in case.

Also, watch out for those TSUNAMIS.

UPDATE: another 5.2 in the japan area -- technically in sakhalin, russia -- at 9:45pm PST.

UPDATE: the upgraded the hokkaido quake to 8.3!

UPDATE 9/26: another 6 point aftershock hit japan...

UPDATE: 9/27: a 7.3 in Khazakhstan...see cool map here (3 quakes).


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