Monday, September 15, 2003

well, we really aren't going to kill him,

but we are still going to remove him.

Israel distanced itself from the comments of the vice PM threatening arfrat.

I was reading this and had a thought on how to discourage the concept that suicide bombing is a path to statehood.

if the UN stepped in right now, imposed unilateral separation the following scenario could work:

If Israel were to pull back entirely to the green line (completely evacuating the settlements inside), it could use this as a leverage point.

if there are no more suicide bombings, the palestinians would get the best deal (at least what was offered at camp david, including sovereignty over the temple mount and east jerusalem as a capital).

but, if the bombings continue, then Israel will be ceded some palestinian land. this deterrent could be framed in the most harsh way by allowing Israel to take control of entire villages (i.e. where the suicide bombers came from). this (overly) harsh deterrent would encourage neighborhood accountability and self governance.

I'm not sure if I want to include the right to deport all the village's residents to gaza (or elsewhere), but it seems a better alternative than Israel taking the land and making the residents all Israeli citizens subject to Israeli laws (not a good option for either side).

now this is just the most harsh penalty that could be asserted against breaches of the unilateral withdrawal. I'm not sure it squares with international human rights law, but this entire conflict has gone over the edge. suicide bombing is a crime against humanity. human rights abuses do occur in the territories, as an unintentional side effect of having to be the only policeman on the block (neighbors aren't helping -- they are encouraging the use of suicide bombing as a political weapon).

so if Israel can eventually pull back, and there is quiet given in exchange for the immediate right of statehood with the 67 borders, and with a deterrent of losing land (by international decree) for any breach of the peace, (and maybe even include a similar guarantee from Israel not to build any more settlements, and that doing so will result in Israel losing land), we may have a way of imposing quiet on the region.

its not perfect, but its an idea.


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