Friday, August 29, 2003

Build a church and a synoague on the temple mount?

the temple mount is open again, even if limited.

I understand the orthodox perspective in not even going up there for fear of treading upon holy ground. Fine, so there should be no worries that the 'jews are going to take over' the mount.

the american guy had an interesting idea, that it would be ideal for a church and a synagogue to be on the mount along with the mosque. that's such perfect american thinking.

but not to reject the idea entirely ... I do think it would be nice for a synagogue to be on the grounds, at least so the jewish people can cease their mourning for the temple, or at least have the ability to pray indoors. build something in "david's courtyard" perhaps???? imagine a beautiful, tall synagogue rising in that space...with dignity.

but there can't be a synagogue on top of the mount. no way. the pa has already dug into the mount and removed any archaeological evidence of the temple, so there is nothing left. we can mourn, yes. but there is nothing to reclaim but the rocks themselves.
this is yet another unconscionable tactic the pa uses against israel. so they can come out in the media and say the temple never existed.

the intentional destruction of archaeological evidence from the temple mount is a crime against humanity. everyone was aghast at the destruction of the bamiyan buddha, but when it comes to what the pa is doing to the temple mount, the world is silent. is it simply that nobody knows what's going on???


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