Monday, September 08, 2003

the fear of peace...

a bit of ponderment on the grim turn of events in the holy land...

every time a real peace deal comes within reach, arfrat&c. makes sure things get derailed.

he did this to clinton and peres in 2000, he's doing it now to bush and sharon, and he'll continue to do it because he is too afraid of the reality of peace.

peace is a fearful thing for errorfat&c. (and perhaps so for most palestinians) because it means abandoning the only way of life that they know. what future can a terrorist have in an era of peace?

afart said himself that he would rather die a martyr [than what? a statesman? a founding father? what a loser.].

we have on our hands an entire nation (some 6 million or so) who want nothing but war. (I still hold hope that there are at least a few moderate peaceniks in the palestinian territories, but the realist in me knows that is wishful thinking).

if they haven't had enough war after 50 years, how should we respond? should we quote bush here and say, "bring em on?"

I have always been philosophically opposed to war. naive though that may be, I was comfortable in that view until terrorism arose. not starting with sept.11, but a year earlier, when the bus bombings began.

now I feel pushed into the 'war is justified in some circumstances' camp, and find those circumstances exist when it comes to Israel defending itself from those who are calling for her destruction. (I'm not so sure the US met the 'clear and present danger' standard with Iraq, but what's done is done, now let's just try to mop up the mess.)

surely from a religious jewish perspective, Israel can and must make war against her existential enemies. but the IDF is a defensive force, which forces Israel to hold back where the US would not (pinpoint liquidations aside). If things don't start to improve with the PA ceasing the terror activities, then the IDF will be forced at some point to take more drastic (offensive) measures which will no doubt end with a higher body count on the other side. or worse yet, bush gets bored with Iraq and heads to the next 'terror front' -- palestine (hurry W, the elections are just around the corner -- got enough feathers in your cap?)

not many answers...still sorting out my questions...wishing the pally's would get it together.


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