Wednesday, September 17, 2003

no espresso tax after all...

Seattle voters decided to reject the proposal to tax their mochas.

Voters in Seattle, Where Coffee is King, Reject a Tax on Espresso

I guess the lesson is to never step between the addicted and his caffeine.

perhaps this should've been a statewide initiative, not just seattle. but it would probably be shot down anyway.

if people buy (on average) one mocha/latte per day, they would be paying 10 cents/day tax. that is only an additional $36.50 tax per year.

not a huge tax burden people...

its kinda lame because for $36 bucks/year they would receive much greater benefit.

now the city/state is going to have to either raise sales taxes or raise property taxes.

and, of course, the additional taxes will certainly add up to more than $36 bucks.


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