Sunday, October 19, 2003

no free press for Iraq

It looks like the Iraq war has turned into Bush v. The Press.

apparently, the prez is trying to put the lid on all the bad news coming out of Iraq.

the bad news is overshadowing all those 'good things' -- like getting new currency, or kids back in school, or whatever 'feel good' stories they can scrape up.

they want people to think that things aren't all that bad -- but they are!

they want people to think that the suicide bombings and ambushes are 'isolated' incidents -- but they aren't!

the truth will out.

and it isn't just the press in Iraq either. On NPR the other morning, they reported that Bush was upset and issued an order that he doesn't want to hear any more 'unnamed white house sources' being quoted in the press.

ironically, the report was provided by 'a white house source who requested to remain unnamed'.

hee hee hee.

we still have free press in the US, for the time being anyway. besides, what white house source wants to be named, anyway?


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