Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Islamic conference calls for killing all the jews...

this is scary anti-semitism raising its ugly head unashamedly.

muslims are getting together and actually praising the europeans killing 6 million jews, and calling for them to band together to kill the rest. and this is not just a few muslims, but backing this garbage is none other than Iran's leader Mohammed Khatami and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad ...

they are claiming that the jews run the world by proxy.
they are claiming that the jews only survived 2000 years of pogroms because they think.
they are claiming that the jews are out to kill all 1.3 billion muslims.

their plan of attack (called 'defense')? embrace science so they can build bombs to kill jews.

I can't believe we live in a world that allows 57 leaders of nations to run around spouting this crap.

though not worthy of spilling any more bits, I will include the following quote by Mahathir Mohamad, just to give you a flavor of the rampant anti-semitism that the world is just ignoring:

"They invented Socialism, Communism, human rights and
democracy so that persecuting them would appear
to be wrong, so that they can enjoy equal
rights with others."

"With these they have now gained control of the
most powerful countries and they, this tiny
community, have become a world power."

Mahathir said that "1.3 billion Muslims cannot
be defeated by a few million Jews. There must
be a way."

maybe the way is to realize that the jews are not out to kill all 1.3 billion muslims. sure, there is the palestinian terrorism problem, but there it is a situation of 6 million crazy people blowing up jews on busses and in restaurants, and 6 million jews trying simply to protect their country from people who are hell bent on wiping them off the face of the earth.

clearly we have a situation of collective psychological projection. they are projecting their own attitudes toward the jews upon the jews and then turning around and claiming to be the persecuted.

maybe they really are just undereducated?


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