In the Arab world, everything is Israel's fault...
Iraqis See Israel as Culprit in Bombings
yea, right. the Israelis are behind the suicide bombing???
the strained logic that is offered up to support this (dare I say INSANE?) idea is beyond my comprehension.
1. who are Iraq's enemies? The answer offered is Israel -- but come on here...Iraq bombed Israel, Israel has never bombed Iraq.
2. Who will benefit frm the chaos? Again, the answer offered is Israel, because it will feel safer. Oh puh-lease! Israel isn't going to feel any safer with chaos in Iraq...if anything it makes the whole region more unstable. Besides, Israel has enough problems trying to protect herself -- there is simply nothing to be gained by this.
3. The chaos will keep americans on arab soil. Who wants that? Again, the answer offered is Israel. Ok, people. The americans don't even want americans on arab soil. sure, Israel might feel safer knowing there are americans in the neighborhood -- but the real threat to her is Syria (and maybe Iran). Having the americans inbetween the two is good insurance in case Syria or Iran launch direct attacks at Israel.
But ... what is really going on here people, is that the Palestinians are the ones suicide bombing the Iraqis. Syria gave passage to about 150,000 palestinian suicide bombers to stir up trouble against the united states in Iraq.
why would the palestinians want to do this? Maybe so they can make the Iraqis think that Israel is suicide bombing them? Maybe so that it takes the heat off of them for using such a disgusting tactic? (after all, if every arab does it, it must be okay).
the only benefit to Israel that there is to 150,000 palestinian suicide bombers running around Iraq, is that there is 150,000 fewer suicide bombers trying to run into Israel.
But can you really blame Israel for that? I hardly think there was a secret pact between them to make Israel feel safer...
UPDATE: I've been informed by my only trusty reader that Israel did, in fact, bomb Iraq once...1981. Also, my reader tells me that the 150,000 figure is greatly eggagerated.
Perhaps this is an eggagerated figure, but I'm employing what Thomas Friedman refers to as "palestinian math."
To wit: see my post of 9/22 -- the actual figure is 15,000. employing "palestinian math" we come up with 150,000. anyway, 15, 150...either way the point is that it is not Israel running around suicide bombing all over Iraq...
even if Israel benefits in some indirect way from having the americans in the neighborhood, it cannot be asserted that Israel is behind the designs of the suicide bombers because this is simply a baseless contention.
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