Monday, November 10, 2003

Finally, the major media is reporting Arfrat is a crook...

CBS's 60 minutes report: Arafat's Billions

Everyone has known that Arfrat has stashed millions (if not billions) of dollars of Palestinian aid money into his personal swiss bank account...but now it is coming out that he transfers $100,000 per month to his wife in Paris.

We've known this for quite some time now...but for some reason the major media outlets have failed to shine a light on his EMBEZZLEMENT.

If Arfrat wasn't pocketing all of the aid money, there wouldn't be all the strife on the street that is blamed on the Israelis. But keeping the people destitute looks good for the news media -- it makes their situation look all that much more dire, and makes it look like it is all the fault of Israel -- when it is NOT.

As I've been saying all along, 99% of the problems between Israel and the Palestinians is economic...and it is clear that the primary cause of the economic disparity is because of EMBEZZLEMENT.

The logic is that you can't get people to blow themselves up if they are doing well economically. So, what does a corrupt despot do? Keep your people poor, keep telling them they are poor because of those other guys over there, and then tell them that if they blow themselves up and kill the other side, things will get better.


What I want to see happen now is for Europe to get hopping mad about this and demand not only accountability, but release of the funds into a responsible, transparent, and non-corrupt entity that can oversee building an infrastructure of PEACE.

And, quite obviously, this non-corrupt entity must be completely separate from any influence of Arfrat.

But, chances are, he's going to kick the bucket long before anything happens, and then all the Palestinians' money will go straight to Arfrat's wife in Paris. This is a crime and must be prevented.

I wonder if the International Criminal Court can charge him with embezzlement and attach the swiss account before it is too late?

I can only pray that justice prevails somehow, some way.


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