Friday, October 31, 2003


If you dish it out, be prepared to take it.

OK. I've been criticized by my sole trusty reader that I should not say bad things about people in my class on my blog.

He's right, of course, because he usually is.

However, in my defense, I offered a few arguments:

1) this is my law school blog, and designed for me to chronicle the emotional/social/intellectual challenges I face daily,
2) nobody actually reads my blog anyway,
3) in my entire class, there is only one other person who maintains a website, so the chances of someone seeing my cryptic descriptions and figuring out who they refer to are virtually nil,
4) the people I don't like don't like me, and that is why I don't like them. even if someone from my class were to happen upon my blog, there are no surprises here.

but I will try to avoid saying bad things about people in my class because it is just generally not nice.

criticism taken, duly noted, and abided by.

BUT -- I'm adhering to the 'no edit' rule, so I will not take down the post because it does not slander anyone. my opinions are just that, and they are subject to change at any time.


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