Tuesday, November 18, 2003

no such thing as a palestinian....

One reader's response to the middle east debate.

clear, concise statements of fact.

yes, in 1967, Jordan and Egypt attacked Israel, and Israel won the land as fair war booty. So, in a sense, she may be right (though I've heard these arguments made before and they really don't lead to any effective resolution.)

yet, I am bothered nonetheless by the fact that even though the palestinian identity has never been granted official recognition, that is essentially the root of the problem ...

the palestinian identity is forged "neged" (against) Israel, and to have peace would mean to give up essentially what it means to be a palestinian. the root of the problem is that there is no positive foundation of identity...the identity is that all palestinians are "struggling" against Israel to be given the right to an identity.

around and around it goes...such circularity. no wonder there has yet to be a solution.

I'm just reacting and pondering here, and not intending any major political statement.


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