Friday, August 13, 2004

Caspi the leaping lizard...

I thought since Caspi was getting so big, he might be ready to explore a little outside his cage.

I set up my desk with all my things around to create a "safe" area to explore. First, he sat there, looking around [obviously judging distance].

then he took a poop on the cloth I had laid down for him. After that, he ran to my laptop and left the rest of his poop on the "A" button of the keyboard [yuck! grab the disinfectant!].

And then whallah! He leaps OVER the laptop, 3 feet over! then he fell 3 feet down, down, down to the carpeted floor in the corner.

I absolutely freaked out and thought he must have hurt himself, but he was okay. I think he was a little shocked, but maybe he thought it was fun, like a roller coaster ride. when I picked him up and put him back in his tank, he looked a little disappointed, like saying "Aawww, mom...that was fun! can I do it again???"

I can't trust him not to do this kind of stunt again, so I'm trying to figure out how to set up a beardie play pen. I want him to explore and get exercise, but this kind of leaping is too freaky for me to handle. He's faster than lightening!

He's also beginning to munch on his salads...I'm so proud I don't have to worry about him starving if he doesn't get his afternoon crix because I'm away for some reason.


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